Installing Hardwood Floors
Are you thinking of installing a hardwood floor in your home yourself? DIY hardwood floor installation can seem like quite a bargain—saving time, money, and effort. However, home improvement projects can have serious consequences when done incorrectly — and hardwood floor installation is no exception.
In this blog post, we will be exploring the potential dangers of DIY hardwood floor installation so that homeowners like you can make an informed decision on whether or not to proceed with the project. Read on to learn more –
One of the biggest risks involved with a DIY hardwood floor installation is safety. Working with tools that you may not be familiar with and dealing with hazardous materials can be dangerous. It is easy to get hurt or injure yourself. Things can also go wrong with tools that you may not have the expertise to understand how to correctly use. The costs of a potential hospital visit or potential damages to the hardwood floor can quickly add up.
Another risk is the quality of the end result. When it comes to hardwood floor installation it is important to get the desired results. With a DIY project, it is easy to overlook the importance of a level floor, clean straight cuts, and cuts for the transition pieces. Poor workmanship can lead to a damaged final product that is not covered under any warranties.
When it comes to product knowledge the stakes are even higher. Hardwood flooring is just one part of the project. Understanding how to lay the floor correctly and what tools, adhesives, and fasteners you need can be tricky. You may think you can get away with using any option, but that could lead to the flooring not being secure, wobbling when people walk on it, or worse.
Lastly, is the time factor. It takes time for a DIY hardwood floor installation. One of the biggest benefits of professional installers is that they have the experience, the tools, and the team to get the job done quickly, correctly, and safely. Time is money and sometimes getting it done quickly is worth more than the time you would have on your hands to complete a DIY project.
DIY hardwood floor installation comes with a lot of risks that can range from physical harm to damaged products and financial costs. Weigh the options carefully before making a decision. Professionals bring experience, product knowledge, and the right tools to get the job done right, quickly, and safely. Although it can be tempting to do it yourself, it is important to evaluate the risks and costs associated first.
Although we don’t sell to the public, we can connect you to a vast network of dealers to purchase our material. We also can connect you with professional flooring contractors to complete your installation. Reach out to us or visit one of our seven OMP locations to learn more.